This excerpt is from my masters in Curriculum & Instruction capstone presentation. The interdisciplinary writing and science unit titled, "Pollinator-Friendly Campaign," combines and supplements an existing writing curriculum, Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop, and a district-based science unit by building opportunities for authenticity and purpose.
In this math sample, I outline how teachers can utilize a word problem to address mathematical standards, how to intervene for support and enrichment, and how to structure a math lesson around the problem of the day.
This sample was influenced by Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and the Universal Design for Learning model. Highlighted portions reflect pedagogy, teaching style, lesson structure, and depth of knowledge in standards-aligned math instruction.
This balancing equations resource provides addition fact fluency practice. It includes 80+ pages of scaffolded practice, helping students transfer their numeracy and fact fluency skills within 20 from concrete → pictorial stages, part of the CPA math instructional model.
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